Granite City and Wright County Kennel Clubs
in partnership with

OFA Hips: $190
OFA Elbows: $125
(Hips & Elbows: $305 or Hips/Elbows/Patellas: $355)
Sedation for above will be used only if needed and is an additional cost
OFA Patellas: $60
OFA Trachea: $155
OFA Dentition: $60
~All OFA Service Pricing does not include OFA Application Fees~
Microchip: $55 (discounted to $50 each additional) Includes registration
Register for services: Click Here
Complete Application(s) at the OFA Website and print or email to us to have at the clinic.
OFA Application Forms
Appointments will be set once the judging program is out – walk-ins may be available if time allows.
For more information: